Dr. Prabhakar Rao Chaware Ji has been living as a social worker for the last 35 years, and he
started his social work giving martial arts lessons to girls to help them in self-defense. For the last
35 years he has been living as an educationist, scholar and a social worker.
Dr. Rao believes that ethics and religion play a big role in everyone's life. Thus, he started giving
lessons of Bhagavat Gita and other teachings to build confidence among the children in temples.
During his journey through life, he encountered many unexpected eventualities that turned him
into a man who turned crisis and failures into an opportunity to rise from the dust and challenge
the obstacles turning them into opportunity.
An accident while working as an employee and an unexpected attack by the enemies resulted in
his body being semi-paralyzed. But he never got tiered with the test of time. He took it as a
challenge. While he was bedridden after an accident and unable to move out, he started writing
and has written many research papers. This insight and his discoveries in science made him popular
and media savvy. Subsequently, his discoveries in genetic engineering have challenged the years
of belief and theory of evolution. His theory and discoveries have completely changed the theory
of the evolution of the monkey into man. Till that date everyone believed the monkey was the
predecessor of the human.
His achievement invited many awards and accolades to his life. He was nominated many times for
Padmasree and one time for the Nobel prize for his achievements in science by the Government of
His call for social service to provide education for the poor and deprived children and adults
resulted in launching an NGO – Technical Professional Education in India – that is focused on
giving general education, skill development education and professional courses. In 1991,
Technical Professional Education in India was launched.
Everyone knows, street children and deprived people don’t have money to go to good schools, and
most of these children live as rag pickers and gradually land in the hands of anti-social elects.
DR. Rao had a mission to save these children from child labor and his NGO T.P.E – facilitates
education and professional training for such children. To be a good individual one should be
healthy, capable of defending oneself in case of any threat to their life. Thus, he launched training
for martial arts too. He took a lesson from the incident that took place in his life that paralyzed his
one hand and imparted martial art to children to save themselves in case of any such eventualities
in their life.
From his meagre income from his job, he used to help those who struggle. His humanitarian mind
set was an inspiration for him.
Now, his NGO – Technical Professional Education in India – T.P.E has trained many such children
and groomed them as professionals. This NGO also provides them with facilities to set up and run
their own ventures, those who desire to do so. From finding investment to getting them through
the network and marketing, TPE plays a big role to help them become self-dependent.
In an accident in 1997 his one leg was partially disabled, but it did not stop him. Even when he
was disabled with his injured leg, he stayed at home running the N.G.O and went on with his
incomplete research.
Life partner is a big force behind everyone, and Dr. Rao’s force was his wife. His wife’s untimely
demise added more wounds in his heart.
An accident, attack by enemies and death of his wife make his life a journey of forlorn music.
After the death of his wife, he never had the opportunity to complete his research. Doing a private
job in a city like Delhi with four children without a mother was a test for him, but this incident
made him stronger and bolder. Bringing up four children who lost their mother, and running a
family with his day-to-day job that gave him a meagre income have torn his life apart. But he was
not ready to surrender, instead, he took the life the way it came and turned each crisis an
opportunity to rise from the ash like a phoenix.
By the time his research work was published and won him name, fame and recognition, he became
famous. He was in the news many times. His interviews and research paper reviews were
published. Now, Dr. Rao, even in his lifelong crisis, achieved big things many people can't
imagine. No one can imagine a man like him after facing a deep crisis and depression would come
out and make a mark in the society.
And after 15 years of hard work, he turned his research work into a book and named the book
Science for Genetic Engineering and published it.
Even after his 83 years of age, he still has the passion of a 25-year-old to keep doing something
for the society. He believes that what he got from society has to be returned manifold, and it should
be the duty of every person in the society.
He dismissed the theory of evolution in his book. Over the last 200 years of scientific beliefs and
theories he challenged with his research and discoveries. The evolution theory was a controversial
theory that man was an evolutionary product of monkeys, but he gave a new theory to society
through his research (Auto Genetic Theory of Evolution E-7) which tells us that man was not
transformed evolutionary outcome of monkeys.
Now, his life is fully dedicated to social service, and his sole objective is to make T.P.E, his NGO
a platform for anyone who needs help and support. Dr. Rao has a mission in his life, his joinery
made him a man of vision and mission. He is determined to serve the deprived and children in the
street who have no-one to care for them.
His famous works:
(Discover) Scientific Auto Genetic Theory of Evolution – Four Genome Most Important Principal
of the 21st Century Auto Genetic Theory of Evolution for Genome (Scientist of Genetic) (Science
for Genetic Engineering) Author of the book (Writer)
• Mr. Rao has done research on Auto Genetic Theory of Evolution for Genome (Scientist of
• He is the author of the book "Science for Genetic Engineering".
• He is the Founder of T.P.E (Technical Professional Education in India).
• He has successfully written many research papers, especially on the most important theory
of the 21st century. His discoveries have got accolades from all scientists and critics for his
achievement and breakthrough in the theory of genetic science.
• He is a well-known researcher and still working on many research papers.
• He is one of the Founding members of the Institute for Scientific Research on Indian
• He is a Vedic Science -Research Scholar.
• He is a Member of Happy Science Japan.